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Internal Audit provides reasonable assurance with regard to the effectiveness and efficiency of the Bank’s operations, compliance with rules and regulations, and reliability of financial reporting. Internal Audit plays a significant role in evaluating the effectiveness of the Banks’ Internal Control Systems. From the beginning, Internal audit is providing an independent view to management on the efficiency and effectiveness of the internal Controls in the Bank.
Internal Audit Department undertakes independent reviews of Bank’s operations, encompassing financial, administrative and project related activities covering from credit to information technology.
The primary objectives of Internal Audit are to -
Ascertain whether Bank’s assets are properly safeguarded.
Assess the reliability and integrity of information and
reporting thereof.
Verify compliance with established Banks policies,
procedures, guidelines, agreements, laws and regulations.
Identify means to eliminate waste and misuse of resources, abuse, and other risks.
Recommend improvements relating to efficiency, economy, and effectiveness in the use of Bank resources.